Company Info

In Georgian, ‘azry’ means ‘idea.’
Azry Limited is the brainchild of several young Georgian entrepreneurs. Founded 14 years ago, the company started life as an out-sourcing software development firm. But from the start the goal was to move the company into the custom IT integration business. Key to this course change was building and seasoning a stable, highly-trained and well-integrated team of IT professionals. Within a short time, the company was able to establish itself early-on as the “go-to” company for fully-supported IT solutions to very complex problems in both public and private sectors. This allowed the company’s growth to be entirely self-funded from internal sources and from sales income.
Todays Azry continues to carefully expand its technical staff to be able to respond quickly to the particular needs of its clients. The objective is at all times to deliver premium-quality products on time, within budget and fully supported during installation, testing and evaluation. Azry is now offering its products and services outside Georgia.
Azry’s “idea” has found a place in the highly competitive IT market.

iPOS LLC was established in January 2006 as response on banking sector demand to get quality solution provider for cash-less payment market.
In February of 2006 iPOS was presented to the Georgian Banks as Ingenico authorized Value Added Partner. Company immediately started to expend its activity by bringing modest technologies, developing custom tailored applications, adopting existing solutions to local market needs.
It was difficult to compete with strong monopolist contestant, but during first year iPOS was able to get 25 % of the market. This high start generated outstanding ambitions iPOS aims to match during last 9 years in contempt of many obstacles like banking crisis or civil war.
Investing into stuff proficiency and technology upgrades iPOS represents smart and trusted solutions for in-store, mobile or kiosk commerce, customer oriented service and flexible support.